What Are Zone Minutes On Fitbit? Do They Matter for Your Health

If you’re serious about fitness and looking for an innovative way to track your progress, Fitbit’s Active Zone Minutes is the perfect solution.

With this feature, you can measure the intensity of your workouts by tracking the time you spend in specific heart rate zones during physical activity.

Which individuals can derive advantages from Fitbit’s Zone Minutes feature?
  • Athletes
  • Beginners
  • Fitness enthusiasts
  • Weightlifters
  • Runners
  • Cyclists
  • Chronic disease patients
  • Diabetics
  • Heart patients
  • Weight loss seekers
  • Health conscious individuals

By setting goals and monitoring your progress with Active Zone Minutes, you can challenge yourself to push harder and achieve your fitness objectives faster.

Don’t settle for average results – take your fitness routine to the next level with Fitbit’s Active Zone Minutes and start seeing real, measurable improvements in your health and wellness.

The American Heart Association recommends accumulating at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week for good health.

Fitbit’s Active Zone Minutes provides convenient way to track blood pressure and your progress towards goal.

Understanding Heart Rate Zones

Understanding Heart Rate Zones

Fitbit calculates your personalized heart rate zones based on your age and fitness level. There are three zones: Fat Burn, Cardio, and Peak.

The Fat Burn Zone corresponds to a heart rate range of 50-69% of your maximum heart rate, while the Cardio Zone corresponds to a heart rate range of 70-84% of your maximum heart rate.

The Peak Zone corresponds to a heart rate range of 85-100% of your maximum heart rate.

Solutions For Zone Minutes On Fitbit

The solution provided by Active Zone Minutes is the tracking of physical activity based on heart rate, providing a more accurate measure of activity intensity. This addresses the problems of traditional tracking methods by:

  • Helping users better understand the impact of their workouts.
  • Allowing for personalized goals based on fitness level and goals
  • Providing a more comprehensive view of physical activity, including both duration and intensity
  • Helping users improve their overall fitness level and reach their full potential

Overall, the introduction of Active Zone Minutes represents a major improvement in fitness tracking and has the potential to significantly improve users’ physical fitness and overall health.

Earning Active Zone Minutes

To earn Active Zone Minutes, you must accumulate at least 10 minutes of activity in the Fat Burn or Cardio zones, or at least one minute in the Peak Zone.

The total number of Active Zone Minutes you earn is the sum of the time you spend in each of these zones throughout the day.

Tracking Active Zone Minutes

Fitbit devices, such as Fitbit smartwatches and trackers, are equipped with sensors that track your heart rate and estimate your exercise intensity.

The Fitbit app also provides you with a daily progress report and notifies you when you achieve your Active Zone Minutes goal.

The Benefits of Active Zone Minutes

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased endurance and stamina
  • More effective calorie burning with Fitbit.
  • Increased motivation and goal-setting
  • Reduced risk of chronic disease
  • Enhanced weight loss and weight management
  • Better overall fitness and physical conditioning
  • More efficient workouts
  • Improved mood and stress management
  • Better sleep quality and duration.

Using Active Zone Minutes Data

Fitbit’s heart zone notifications and exercise app allow you to track your Active Zone Minutes data and get credit for spending time in different heart rate zones.

Fitbit devices also track your resting heart rate and provide an estimate of your exercise intensity in metabolic equivalents.

Conclusion Fitbit’s Active Zone Minutes provide a good indication of how much time you spend in moderate or vigorous activity each day.

By earning Active Zone Minutes and tracking your progress, you can improve your health and fitness level. Whether you’re walking, jogging, or engaging in intense workouts, Active Zone Minutes can help you achieve your fitness goals.

What’s the difference between Fitbit’s active minutes and active zone minutes?

Fitbit offers two metrics to measure physical activity: Active Minutes and Active Zone Minutes. While they are both designed to encourage people to be more physically active, they differ in how they measure activity.

Active Minutes represent the total amount of time you spend engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) throughout the day.

MVPA is defined as any physical activity that raises your heart rate and makes you breathe harder, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling.

To earn Active Minutes, you must spend at least 10 consecutive minutes engaged in MVPA. Fitbit devices track your heart rate to estimate your level of exertion during these activities.

Active Zone Minutes, on the other hand, are a way to measure the intensity of your physical activity. To earn Active Zone Minutes, you must engage in physical activity that elevates your heart rate to a certain level. The zones are defined as follows:

Fat Burn Zone: This zone corresponds to a heart rate range of 50-69% of your maximum heart rate.
Cardio Zone: This zone corresponds to a heart rate range of 70-84% of your maximum heart rate.
Peak Zone: This zone corresponds to a heart rate range of 85-100% of your maximum heart rate.

To earn Active Zone Minutes, you must accumulate at least 10 minutes of activity in the Fat Burn or Cardio zones, or at least one minute in the Peak Zone.

The total number of Active Zone Minutes you earn is the sum of the time you spend in each of these zones throughout the day.

Which Fitbit Devices Offer Active Zone Minutes?

The following Fitbit devices are equipped with sensors that can track Active Zone Minutes:

Fitbit Sense
Fitbit Versa 3
Fitbit Charge 5
Fitbit Luxe

If you own one of these devices, you can use Active Zone Minutes to help you monitor the intensity of your workouts and reach your fitness goals.

How to Earn and Manage Fitbit’s Active Zone Minutes


To earn Active Zone Minutes, you need to engage in physical activity that elevates your heart rate to a certain level. To earn Active Zone Minutes, you need to accumulate at least 10 minutes of activity in the Fat Burn or Cardio zones, or at least one minute in the Peak Zone.

The total number of Active Zone Minutes you earn is the sum of the time you spend in each of these zones throughout the day.

To manage your Active Zone Minutes, you can use the Fitbit app, which displays your Active Zone Minutes data and provides notifications when you achieve your daily goals.

The app also allows you to customize your Active Zone Minutes goals, track your progress over time, and compare your results with other Fitbit users.

Does My Fitbit Device Track Heart Rate with Active Zone Minutes or Active Minutes?

While Active Minutes represent the total amount of time you spend engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) throughout the day,

Active Zone Minutes are a way to measure the intensity of your physical activity. To earn Active Minutes, you must spend at least 10 consecutive minutes engaged in MVPA.

Fitbit devices track your heart rate to estimate your level of exertion during these activities.

To earn Active Zone Minutes, you must engage in physical activity that elevates your heart rate to a certain level, and the Fitbit devices listed above can track your heart rate to measure your level of exertion.

How to Change Your Fitbit’s Active Zone Minutes Goal

If you want to adjust your Active Zone Minutes goal, you can do so in the Fitbit app. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Fitbit app on your smartphone.
  2. Tap on the Today tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Active Zone Minutes section.
  4. Tap on the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  5. Tap on Active Zone Minutes Goal.
  6. Adjust the goal by selecting a new value or entering a custom value.
  7. Tap on Save.

Note that changing your Active Zone Minutes goal will reset your progress toward your new goal. It may take a few days for your device to adjust to the new goal, depending on your level of physical activity.

How to Delete Active Zone Minutes in the Fitbit App

If you need to delete an Active Zone Minute entry in the Fitbit app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Fitbit app on your smartphone.
  2. Tap on the Today tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Active Zone Minutes section.
  4. Tap on the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  5. Tap on Delete Active Zone Minute.

Note that deleting an Active Zone Minute entry will remove it from your progress report and goal tracking.

In summary, Active Minutes measure the total amount of time spent engaged in MVPA, while Active Zone Minutes measure the intensity of the physical activity by measuring time spent in specific heart rate zones.

Both metrics are important for monitoring and improving physical activity levels, and Fitbit provides both metrics to help users meet their fitness goals.


What is Active Zone Minutes?

Active Zone Minutes are a feature on Fitbit devices that track the time spent in specific heart rate zones during physical activity. They provide a personalized metric to monitor the intensity of your workouts and set goals to improve your fitness level.

How many Active Zone Minutes should I aim for?

Fitbit’s default goal is to accumulate 150 Active Zone Minutes per week, which is based on the World Health Organization’s recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.

Can all Fitbit devices track Active Zone Minutes?

Fitbit devices that track heart rate, such as the Fitbit Charge and Fitbit Versa, can track Active Zone Minutes. Other Fitbit devices that do not track heart rate may not be able to track Active Zone Minutes.

How do I earn Active Zone Minutes?

Active Zone Minutes are earned by engaging in physical activity that elevates your heart rate to specific zones, such as the Fat Burn, Cardio, or Peak Zones. Each minute spent in these zones earns one Active Zone Minute.

Can Active Zone Minutes be earned through a brisk walk?

Yes, a brisk walk can be a moderate-intensity physical activity that can earn Active Zone Minutes.

What is the benefit of personalized Active Zone Minutes goals?

Personalized Active Zone Minutes goals are based on your fitness level, resting heart rate, and other factors, and can help you ensure that you are engaging in physical activity at a level that is most beneficial for your health.

Can I change my Active Zone Minutes goal?

Yes, you can change your Active Zone Minutes goal in the Fitbit app. Simply go to your profile, select “Goals,” and then select “Active Zone Minutes.”

Are Active Zone Minutes a widely accepted recommendation for physical activity?

The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, and accumulating Active Zone Minutes can help you meet these recommendations.

Can Fitbit devices with an exercise app track Active Zone Minutes?

es, Fitbit devices with an exercise app can track Active Zone Minutes during workouts.

How is heart rate data used in Active Zone Minutes?

Heart rate data is used to calculate Active Zone Minutes, and can provide insight into the intensity of your workouts, helping you to set and achieve fitness goals.

Can accumulating Active Zone Minutes provide a good indication of fitness progress?

Yes, accumulating Active Zone Minutes can provide a good indication of fitness progress and help users see improvements in their physical fitness over time.

Bill Otto
I, Bill Otto, have been playing a role in Aerospace Projects and Commercial Space since 2011. As a writer, I have the desire to understand how things work! I started out on the technical side but found my love for writing and copywriting. As an engineer, I know how to speak the language and know valuable information about the products and services that I write about. I’m also an audio and video recording enthusiast since the 1970s and one of my favorites is the VHS format because it has the highest resolution of any analog recording format. I describe VHS as the Encyclopedia Britannica of the World!