Fitbit Hygiene 101: A Complete Guide on How to Clean A Fitbit 2024

Rapid Method💦💦

To clean a Fitbit band, you can follow these steps:

Remove the band from the device if it is not a fixed band.
If the band is made of leather or has any leather parts, avoid using water or cleaning solutions. Instead, use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the band.
For other materials, such as silicone or elastomer, you can use a mild soap and water solution or Fitbit’s cleaning solution. Apply a small amount of the cleaning solution to a soft, damp cloth and gently wipe the band. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the band.
Pay special attention to the areas where the band comes into contact with your skin, as sweat, oil, and dirt can accumulate in those areas.
After cleaning the band, rinse it thoroughly with water and dry it with a soft, dry cloth.
Reattach the band to the device.

By following these steps, you can keep your Fitbit band clean and in good condition.

Fitbit bands are essential accessories for your Fitbit device, as they keep your fitness tracker securely on your wrist. However, they can accumulate dirt and sweat over time, which can cause skin irritation or damage the band’s material.

Regular cleaning of your Fitbit band is important to maintain its quality and prolong its lifespan.

Here are METHOD on how to clean your Fitbit band:


Removing the Fitbit Band

To clean your Fitbit band, the first step is to remove it from your Fitbit device. Gently lift the metal or elastomer Fitbit band from the tracker, and detach any hooks or pins if necessary.


Preparing to Clean the Band

After removing the Fitbit band, prepare a bowl of water with a mild detergent, dish soap, or soap-free cleanser. If you are cleaning a metal Fitbit band, avoid using alcohol or insect repellent, as they can damage the finish. For leather bands, use a leather conditioner to keep them supple and prevent them from cracking.


Cleaning the Band

To clean the Fitbit band, dampen a soft cloth or cotton ball in the cleaning solution and wipe the band gently.

For woven or nylon Fitbit bands, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove tough stains. For metal bands, you can also use cleaning wipes or a microfiber cloth to remove dirt and grime.

If the band has trapped sweat or moisture, rinse it under cold running water to remove excess moisture. Avoid soaking the band in water or leaving it to air dry in direct sunlight, as this can damage the band’s water resistance and cause discoloration.


Drying and Reattaching the Band

After cleaning, dry the Fitbit band with a dry cloth and leave it to air dry for a few minutes. Make sure the band is completely dry before reattaching it to your Fitbit device.

For best results, Fitbit recommends regularly cleaning your band after high-intensity workouts or when it becomes dirty.


Caring for Your Fitbit Band

To prevent skin irritation and maintain your Fitbit band’s quality, avoid wearing it in water-resistant conditions, such as during hand washing or swimming.

Also, avoid using hand sanitizers or high-intensity workouts while wearing the band. If you have sensitive skin, use soap-free cleansers or wear the band loosely to avoid any discomfort.

In summary, cleaning your Fitbit band is essential to maintain its quality and prevent skin irritation. Use a mild detergent, soap-free cleanser, or leather conditioner to clean your band, and avoid using alcohol or insect repellent on metal bands.

Regularly clean your band after high-intensity workouts or when it becomes dirty, and avoid wearing it in water-resistant conditions or using hand sanitizers while wearing the band. With proper care, your Fitbit band will stay clean and last for a long time.

Why You Should Clean Your Fitbit Band Regularly

If you own a Fitbit device, you know how important it is to keep track of your daily activities, fitness goals, and overall health.

However, what you may not realize is that the band that holds your Fitbit device also needs attention and care. Cleaning your Fitbit band regularly is crucial for several reasons.


Prevent Skin Irritation

One of the most important reasons to clean your Fitbit band regularly is to prevent skin irritation. When you wear your Fitbit band daily, it accumulates sweat, dirt, and bacteria that can cause skin irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin. By cleaning your Fitbit band regularly, you can remove the buildup of sweat, dirt, and bacteria that can cause skin irritation, and ensure that the band stays hygienic and comfortable to wear.


Maintain the Quality of the Band

Another reason to clean your Fitbit band regularly is to maintain its quality. Over time, dirt and sweat can cause the band’s material to deteriorate and fade.

For instance, leather bands can crack and become discolored, while woven or nylon bands can start to fray or lose their shape.

By regularly cleaning your Fitbit band, you can remove the buildup of dirt and sweat that can cause damage to the band’s material and keep it looking and feeling like new.


Prolong the Lifespan of the Band

Cleaning your Fitbit band regularly can also help prolong its lifespan. When you take care of your Fitbit band and keep it clean, it can last longer and save you the cost of having to replace it frequently.

Also, a clean band can make the device more comfortable to wear, which encourages you to wear it regularly and get the most out of its features.

Overall, cleaning your Fitbit band regularly is essential to prevent skin irritation, maintain the quality of the band, and prolong its lifespan.

Whether you have a metal, elastomer, woven, or leather Fitbit band, there are various cleaning methods you can use to keep it clean and hygienic.

By incorporating regular cleaning into your Fitbit maintenance routine, you can ensure that your device stays in top condition and continues to help you achieve your fitness goals.

How to Clean Silicone and Elastomer Fitbit Bands


Silicone and elastomer Fitbit bands are easy to clean and maintain, as they are water-resistant and durable. To clean these types of bands, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the band from your Fitbit device.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with water and mild soap.
  3. Gently wipe the band with a damp cloth.
  4. For tough stains, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently scrub the affected area.
  5. Rinse the band under running water to remove any soap residue.
  6. Dry the band with a soft cloth and leave it to air dry before reattaching it to your Fitbit device.

Cleaning Nylon Bands:

Nylon Fitbit bands are easy to clean and maintain, as they are also water-resistant. To clean a nylon band, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the band from your Fitbit device.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with water and mild soap.
  3. Gently wipe the band with the damp cloth.
  4. For tough stains, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently scrub the affected area.
  5. Rinse the band under running water to remove any soap residue.
  6. Dry the band with a soft cloth and leave it to air dry before reattaching it to your Fitbit device.

How to Clean Leather Fitbit Bands:

Leather Fitbit bands require a bit more care when cleaning. To clean a leather band, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the band from your Fitbit device.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with water and mild soap or a leather cleaner.
  3. Gently wipe the band with the damp cloth, being careful not to soak the leather.
  4. For tough stains, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently scrub the affected area.
  5. Rinse the band under running water to remove any soap residue.
  6. Dry the band with a soft cloth and leave it to air dry before reattaching it to your Fitbit device.
  7. Apply a leather conditioner to the band to keep it supple and prevent it from cracking.

How to Clean Metal Fitbit Bands

Metal Fitbit bands require a different cleaning method than other types of bands. To clean a metal band, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the band from your Fitbit device.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth with water and mild soap.
  3. Gently wipe the band with the damp cloth.
  4. For tough stains, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently scrub the affected area.
  5. Rinse the band under running water to remove any soap residue.
  6. Dry the band with a soft cloth and leave it to air dry before reattaching it to your Fitbit device.
  7. For metal bands, you can also use a polishing cloth or a jewelry cleaner to remove dirt and tarnish and restore the band’s shine. However, avoid using alcohol or insect repellent, as they can damage the band’s finish.

How to Clean Your Fitbit Display:

To clean your Fitbit display, follow these steps:

  1. Wipe the display with a soft, dry cloth to remove any dirt or dust.
  2. If there are smudges or fingerprints on the display, use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe them away.
  3. For tougher stains, use a small amount of water and a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the display.
  4. Avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive materials, or excessive moisture, as they can damage the display.

How To Remove Stains From Fitbit Silicone Rubber Bands:

To remove stains from Fitbit silicone rubber bands, follow these steps:

  1. Make a paste by mixing baking soda and water.
  2. Apply the paste to the stained area of the band and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the stain.
  4. Rinse the band under running water to remove the paste.
  5. Dry the band with a soft cloth and leave it to air dry before reattaching it to your Fitbit device.


Do White Fitbit Bands Get Dirty?

Yes, white Fitbit bands can get dirty over time due to sweat, dirt, and bacteria accumulation. It is important to clean your white Fitbit band regularly to prevent discoloration and maintain its quality.

How Do You Clean Your Fitbit Without Rubbing Alcohol?

If you don’t want to use rubbing alcohol to clean your Fitbit band, you can use a mild soap or soap-free cleanser, water, and a soft cloth. Dampen the cloth with the cleaning solution and gently wipe the band to remove any dirt or sweat buildup. Rinse the band under running water to remove any soap residue and dry it with a soft cloth before reattaching it to your Fitbit device.

Why Does My Fitbit Stink?

If your Fitbit stinks, it is likely due to sweat, dirt, and bacteria accumulation on the band. To prevent this, it is important to clean your Fitbit band regularly and avoid wearing it in water-resistant conditions, such as during hand washing or swimming. Also, avoid using hand sanitizers or high-intensity workouts while wearing the band. If the smell persists, you can also try using a gentle skin cleanser or applying a small amount of baking soda to the band to absorb the odor.

Bill Otto
I, Bill Otto, have been playing a role in Aerospace Projects and Commercial Space since 2011. As a writer, I have the desire to understand how things work! I started out on the technical side but found my love for writing and copywriting. As an engineer, I know how to speak the language and know valuable information about the products and services that I write about. I’m also an audio and video recording enthusiast since the 1970s and one of my favorites is the VHS format because it has the highest resolution of any analog recording format. I describe VHS as the Encyclopedia Britannica of the World!